How can you spend your 80,000 career hours meaningfully?

Start time
7 March 14:00
The Social Hub - Room1
Session type

On average you work 80.000 hours in your life. This makes your time spent working the best opportunity to have a positive impact on the world! But how do you know what sector, position or organization fits you best? 

In this workshop we will work with the model ‘Ikigai’. Ikigai helps you with finding the sweet spot of your interests, your qualities and what you could be paid for in the future. What you will get out of the workshop is: more clarity on your talents/qualities, as well as what energizes you, and how you can start using this self-knowledge to contribute to a better world.

So, if you want to find out more about what makes you passionate, join the workshop! 


This session is a hybrid session

Registration for this session has closed.