AI in the Job Market: Threat or Opportunity?

Start time
7 March 10:00
The Social Hub - Room 3
Session type

The rise of AI raises an important question - will it replace us in our jobs or facilitate us? This will vary depending on your role, the (future) capabilities of AI, and how effectively businesses, brands, and policymakers strike a balance between innovation and regulation. We invite you to participate in this workshop where we will collectively delve into these issues. We will discuss some of the tough questions about AI and the future of work, share our experiences, specifically in the field of insights and trend analyses, and together we'll explore a couple of scenarios.

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About the speaker, Reineke Reitsma:
Head of Data and Technology at Ipsos Nederland. Helps companies answer strategic business questions through innovative market research solutions.

Foto Reineke Reitsma

At Ipsos I&O, we are passionately curious about Society, Markets and People. “Game Changers” – our tagline – summarizes our ambition: we, as market researchers provide true understanding and make our changing world easier to navigate, so that our clients can make faster, smarter and bolder decisions.

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